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We support schools, parents and workplaces with training and resources to help them foster a culture of consent and LGBTIQA+ inclusion. 


 Let's Talk About X was founded by two experienced teachers. We're passionate about teaching practical strategies to create a safer, more inclusive society. Our training takes an intersectional approach and is designed in consultation with people from diverse backgrounds and experiences.

consent educator

Mel Brush
BA, MTeach(Secondary), GradCertTESOL

Managing Director:
Operations & Marketing

Mel is responsible for getting Let’s Talk About X’s name out there and keeping things running. 


He was driven to establish Let’s Talk About X after witnessing the inadequacy of Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) training for young people and those who support them. 


Their experience coming out as non-binary during their 6 years as a secondary school teacher informs their gender-inclusive approach to RSE and their determination to make schools safer spaces for LGBTIQA+ youth. 


Being neurodivergent, with a background in teaching English, Journalism and Outdoor Education, Mel is passionate about preventing Gender-based Violence through teaching explicit communication tools and making RSE lessons clear, hands-on, accessible and inclusive. 


Having personally experienced discomfort as a queer, trans person in the workplace and community, as well as when engaging with fitness and healthcare providers, Mel is driven to share their stories and work with allies to break down the barriers that members of the LGBTIQA+ communities face. 


Mel loves outdoor adventures, especially hiking and long bike rides and never travels anywhere without bringing the tools to make a good cup of coffee. 

consent educator

Eleonora Bertsa-Fuchs
BPsychSc, MTeach(Secondary), GradCertSexol

Managing Director:
Training & Outreach

El is the driving force behind Let’s Talk About X’s training programs and community engagement. 


She founded Let’s Talk About X with the ambition to equip young people and their teachers with practical skills to practise consent and respect in everyday life. Her goal is to empower, motivate and inspire people to make the world a safer, more inclusive place.


During her time teaching VCE Psychology and Media, she was moved by the number of students who were calling out for a more comprehensive and effective Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE). 


Having lived experience of sexual and family violence herself, she’s inspired by the power of education and behaviour change programs to prevent harm and break cycles of abuse.


El came to Australia towards the end of primary school after growing up in Greece, and has also lived in England and Thailand. This has helped her develop a foundation of cultural awareness which she brings to her work in RSE.

She has also always been passionate about making the world a more genuinely inclusive and equitable place for LGBTIQA+ people, acting as an ally well before she identified as queer herself and non-binary/agender herself. 


She loves being outdoors, is a massive fan of food, and will tell you random facts about animals at any given opportunity.


Rhiannon Kate Parker

BEd(PhysEd), MCouns

Relationships & Sexuality Education Teacher

Rhiannon is an accomplished Health and Physical Education Teacher, who manages to balance a part time secondary teaching allotment with delivering seminars and workshops for Let’s Talk About X. 


She’s previously worked as a School Counsellor, and Personal Trainer and has run successful school Volleyball programs for over 12 years. 


When asked what drives her passion for Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE), Rhiannon explains, “Growing up, I didn’t have the clearest understanding of these topics, which led me down the path of being invested in abusive relationships. I didn’t fully grasp what was happening or my right to say no. I didn’t realise that the abuse I experienced wasn’t okay, nor did I understand what sexual assault was, where to seek help, or that consent could change—even in a relationship.” 


This lack of knowledge left her feeling lost, which is why she’s so dedicated to helping others avoid that confusion. 


Rhiannon is committed to creating a supportive, informed space where people can explore relationships and sexuality with clarity and confidence. Her goal is to help individuals recognise unhealthy dynamics, understand their rights, especially within a relationship, and fully grasp the concept of consent. She aims to empower others to build healthy respectful relationships, understand their own boundaries, and respect the boundaries of others. 


Rhiannon’s a big fan of staying active—whether it’s playing netball, volleyball with friends, hitting the gym, or walking her dog, Scout. She loves a good almond cappuccino, a walk and talk with friends, and has an obsession with shark documentaries. 

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