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Foundations of COnsent

Professional Learning Seminar
For Teachers:

Laws and expectations around consent have been changing. With the roll-out of mandatory consent education, many teachers will now find themselves having to deliver lessons on consent. But for lessons to be effective, we need to understand what it is we're actually trying to teach.


That's why we've created this seminar, to help all teachers better understand the consent and how it applies to secondary school settings, so that they can help their students grow into more respectful, consensual young people.


Consider it the consent education you wish you'd been given when you were at school.

What will you learn?

  • Develop an up-to-date, comprehensive understanding of consent

  • Be able to identify and challenge common misconceptions around consent

  • Understand how consent can be practised (in both sexual and non-sexual contexts)

  • Learn strategies that can be used to model consent in the classroom


This seminar is designed for teachers from any Learning Area working in Victorian secondary schools, as well as school leaders and other school staff. ​


All of our training is designed by teachers, in consultation with recent high-school graduates, for teachers, school leaders and other school staff. We take an intersectional approach, amplifying the voices of people from groups disproportionately affected by sexual violence.


Pricing depends on seminar duration and number of participants. We recommend at least 90 minutes to cover everything above.


We can deliver this training in person at your school, or online in webinar format. To request a quote, please get in touch and let us know your preferred dates, format, duration and estimated number of participants 

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